An Inclusive Economy That Works For You

We need sustainable economic policies and reforms that bring the living standards of all Dubliners closer together, based on inclusive economic growth, supporting our small and medium-sized businesses, promoting innovation and trade opportunities and decent living and working conditions.
As Dublin’s MEP, Frances will:
Prioritise a future-proof EU budget.
The structure and size of the next EU budget after 2020 will have direct effect on the lives of Dublin citizens. The next EU budget must prioritise inclusive growth, competitiveness and innovation, increasing the funding for research (Horizon Europe) and investments. Future proofing the next budget will mean a focus on emerging challenges such as climate disruption and the digital agenda.
Reduce red tape for SMEs.
Frances believes that all EU legislation should be assessed for its impact on SMEs. EU rules should not result in a disproportionate burden on smaller enterprises, making it impossible for them to thrive. Frances will prioritise the ‘Think Small First’ principle across all new regulation, making it effective not burdensome. Our small businesses also need access to credit at affordable interest rates, including through modern financial instruments as well as EU-level and national public procurement and funding.
Get more EU support for tech start-ups and SMEs.
Dublin has established itself as Europe’s top destination for tech companies. But tech start-ups and SMEs need more support if they want to compete with larger players. Frances will ensure that the new European Innovation Council as proposed in the EU’s 7-year budget is completed and has clear lines of funding available for Irish tech start-ups and SMEs. This new initiative is intended to provide a one-stop shop for high potential technologies and innovative companies with the potential to scale up, aiming to make Europe a front-runner in market-creating innovation. Frances will also champion more female entrepreneurs and ICT specialists by supporting investment in education and digital skills.
Host a yearly SME summit in Dublin.
Encouraging cross party collaboration and participation, Frances will host a yearly SME summit in Dublin in cooperation with representative bodies and featuring guest speakers from across the EU to ensure Dublin businesses are at the heart of policy decisions in Europe.
Call for the completion of the EU internal market in services.
The Single Market has on average reduced trade costs by 20% for goods, but by only 7% for services. The Single Market has not, to date, delivered the same benefits for services - in terms of reducing barriers to intra-EU trade – as it has for goods. Frances will work to identify measures to lower barriers to enhance the Union’s competitiveness in services.
Promote Dublin as one of the EU’s biggest financial services centres post-Brexit.
In the contest between Dublin, Frankfurt, Luxembourg and Paris to attract financial services; Frances will work with international companies to ensure our capital city is the top location to relocate operations from the UK.
Work to deliver more EU jobs for Dublin citizens.
In the next 15 years over 50% of all Irish people working in the European Commission are due to retire. Irish staff are significantly underrepresented in key grades in the Commission and Council. We cannot allow this generation gap to develop. Frances will seek to ensure that the EU delivers country specific employment competitions solely for Irish people and will work with Irish officials and universities to promote the EU institutions as a career option.