A strong Dublin in a strong Europe
Dublin is where I went to school, raised my family and spent most of my working life.
Dubliners want a world-class European city defined by equality and opportunity - underpinned by an economy that works for people and not the other way around
That means helping small businesses to thrive alongside multinational companies and supporting families so they can live close to where they work or in the communities in which they grew up.
It means planning to solve future infrastructure problems now and protecting the unique environment in which we live.
I’ve been delivering change and reform since I was a social worker in Ballymun in the 1980s. We need experienced people to represent us in Europe and I will ensure that the needs of the city and county of Dublin and our country are brought to the heart of the European Parliament.
For more information on on my plans, please click here

Frances was elected to the European Parliament in 2019 as part of the European People's Party (EPP) Delegation.
She was elected as the EPP's Coordinator in the Women's Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM) Committee.
Frances is a full member of FEMM Committee and on the Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) Committee.
She is a substitute member of the Development (DEVE) Committee and the Committee on Foreign Interference in Democratic Processes (INGE).
Frances was appointed a full member of the European Delegation for relations with China (D-CN) and as a subsitute member of the European Delegation for relations with the United States of America (D-US).
In March 2021, Frances was elected Vice-President of the EPP Group, the largest political group in the European Parliament.
For more information on Frances' activity in the European Parliament, please click here.