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  • Frances Fitzgerald

Cancer Patients have the Right to be Forgotten - Fitzgerald

Updated: Apr 17, 2023

Press Statement from Frances Fitzgerald MEP

Thursday 4th February 2021

Frances Fitzgerald, MEP for Dublin and full member of the Women’s Rights and Gender Equality Committee, today (Thursday) called for the introduction of a Right to be Forgotten for cancer patients.

Marking World Cancer Day today (4th of February), MEP Fitzgerald commented,

“Thanks to significant medical advances, former cancer patients are living longer than ever before. Post-cancer, they return to work, fully participate in society and live long and full lives.”

“However applying for loans, a mortgage or life insurance presents significant difficulties, with a patient’s former diagnosis often cited as a reason for refusal.”

“France, Belgium, Luxembourg and soon, the Netherlands, have all laid down provisions in national law specifying that previous diagnoses cannot be collected by insurance companies following ten years from the end of treatment, or five years in the case that the patient was under 18. These provisions allow people to move on from their diagnosis and to live fully and happy lives, without concern as to future financial cover.”

“To ensure that former cancer patients in Ireland are not faced with these undue barriers, this World Cancer Day I am calling for the introduction of a Right to be Forgotten in Ireland.”





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