The European Lens - Episode 10:The threats and vulnerabilities faced by Ukrainian migrants in Europe
On this episode of The European Lens, Frances Fitzgerald MEP and guests discuss trafficking, prostitution, and sexual violence in the...
The European Lens - Episode 10:The threats and vulnerabilities faced by Ukrainian migrants in Europe
The European Lens - Episode 9: Putting Youth at the heart of Europe: European Year of Youth 2022
The European Lens - Episode 8, Part 2: The Future of EU and Irish Defence Policy
The European Lens - Episode 8, Part 1: The Future of EU and Irish Defence Policy
The European Lens - Episode 7: The Future of the EU & UK Relationship post-Brexit
The European Lens - Episode 6: The EU's Role in Promoting Human Rights
The European Lens: Episodes 1-5
New episode of The European Lens-In Conversation with Catherine Day
Podcast: The European Lens with Frances Fitzgerald