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Frances Fitzgerald

“Enough studies, it’s time to protect women pensioners” – Fitzgerald

Updated: Apr 17, 2023

Fine Gael MEP for Dublin City & County, Frances Fitzgerald has reacted to findings in the latest Economic and Social Research Institute Report, which suggests that women pensioners receive an average of €153 less than their male counterparts.

MEP Fitzgerald said:

“I have dedicated my life to working towards furthering the empowerment, rights, representation and treatment of women. This latest report suggests that the gender pension gap stands at well over one-third – much worse than our own gender-pay gap of 14%.

“This report clearly shows that urgent action is needed. The Government recently initiated the Gender Pay Gap Information Bill 2019, which will require certain employers to publish information relating to the remuneration of their employees by reference to their gender. In addition, I hope to see further commitment to tackling this issue in the next National Strategy for Women and Girls.

“I am pleased that the European Parliament has recognised and endorsed the concept that #EuropeIsAWoman in recent weeks. Last week, I presented a draft opinion to the European Union FEMM Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality. In it, I highlighted the urgent need to focus on further job creation for women – as well as allocations to support the economic independence of women and women in entrepreneurship.

“I hope that the recently announced Commissioner-designate for Equality, Helena Dalli, will work closely with national governments, once confirmed by the European Parliament, so that Europe can close this gap and ensure that women are financially secure and independent as they progress through life.”


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